About Me!


Welcome to my little taco shell of the internet. It might be small and made of corn, but it’s DELICIOUS.

If you can’t tell, I’m a little weird, but I’m totally fine with that.

I sit here with the hopes of filling up a few pages with my rants and raves and all the other things that I ponder in my side show mind.

I will also be posting recipes, family stuff, and anything else my random heart desires here!

If you find yourself here you have either taken a wrong turn at Albuquerque, or you followed my link

You are welcome!

Please sign up if you want to leave a comment and as long as you are respectful, I will be respectful back.


Thank you and see ya around!

Grab a cookie before you go!

But you can’t have a taco, all the tacos are MINE.

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